Erectile Dysfunction

The Best Treatment Requires The Best Team & Technology

Our Erectile Dysfunction physicians at Naples Urology provide patients with several cutting edge treatment options depending on their needs.

– Douglas E. Swartz, Practice Administrator

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We are proud to offer our patients the best treatment options for a wide range of conditions.

Services /Erectile Dysfunction Naples

What is Erectile Dysfunction Naples?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) effects 30 million men and is one of the most common sex problems men report.

ED is a condition where getting or keeping an erection that’s firm enough for sex, is impeded.

Being able to maintain an erection from time to time is not rare however ED that is progressive or happens routinely with sex is not normal and should be evaluation and treated.

ED is often associated with:

  • Most often when blood flow in the penis is limited or nerves are harmed
  • With stress or emotional reasons
  • As an early warning of a more serious illness, like: atherosclerosis (hardening or blocked arteries), heart disease, high blood pressure or high blood sugar from Diabetes


ED maybe a major warning sign of cardiovascular disease indicating potential blockages that are building in the vascular system. Studies have shown that men with ED are at significant risk of heart attack, stroke or circulatory problems in the legs.


ED also causes:

  • Low self-esteem
  • Depression
  • Distress for the man and his partner
Erectile Dysfunction

Many men who have ED realize it is affecting their well being and relationships and treatment is most certainly desired. In addition there are other advantages to ED treatment such as enhanced erectile function, improved circulatory health as well as the overall quality of life.

Causes of ED can be varied and can result from health problems, emotional issues, or from both. Some known risk factors are:

  • Being over age 50
  • Having high blood sugar (Diabetes)
  • Having high blood pressure
  • Having cardiovascular disease
  • Having high cholesterol
  • Smoking
  • Using drugs or drinking too much alcohol
  • Being obese
  • Lacking exercise

Although ED is more common with age, aging is not always going to cause ED. In fact, some men stay sexually active into their 80s.
If one suffers from ED it is important to diagnose and treat ED as early as possible as it can be an early sign of more serious health problems.

Erectile Dysfunction at Naples Urology

Our Erectile Dysfunction physicians at Naples Urology provide patients with several cutting edge treatment options depending on their needs. We believe in treating each Erectile Dysfunction case according to its unique conditions, so each patient that we see gets a customized treatment plan. We choose the least invasive treatments possible with the goal of not only prolonging length of life, but also preserving quality of life.

If you have questions about your conditions and the Erectile Dysfunction options we offer, please call our office and set up a consultation appointment. This will give you the chance to discuss your Erectile Dysfunction and potential treatment options with a doctor in person. We want to see you living a long, healthy life.


Why Naples Urology Associates?

  • Five affiliated, top-ranked urologists making collaborative decisions on diagnosis and treatment
  • A personalized treatment program structured to the patients’ unique medical needs
  • Cutting-edge treatment options, including minimally invasive, laser and robotic surgery
  • Proven track record treating common and uncommon urological disorders

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We are proud to offer our patients the best treatment options for a wide range of conditions.